
Experiential Learning

What if the world was your child’s classroom? Children learn through their experiences and their are so many experiences your city has to offer - from its museums to its natural wonders, parks and forests. Some (if not all) of. the best learning happens outside the classroom, so much so that many families choose to do all their learning outside the classroom. When children learn through experience, they have a powerful emotional and physical connection to what they learned and are able to reflect on what they learned, helping them shape critical thinking skills and retain information. Outdoor instruction, where children learn in nature is so important for developing science, math and artistic skills, physical and emotional development as well as learning about sustainability and developing a connection to nature. The resources our city has to offer for learning are endless. A visit to the park, museum, cultural organizations, a trip to the symphony are all fantastic ways to encourage your child’s sponge-like mind to absorb all the learning opportunities around them!

Nature Nurture
experiential learning, enriched childcare, local classes Manisha Snoyer (co-founder of Modulo) experiential learning, enriched childcare, local classes Manisha Snoyer (co-founder of Modulo)

Nature Nurture

“At the core of the original Nature Nurture class, ROOTS provides children with a Safe, FUN and Respectful opportunity to connect with the Earth and their peers in our signature size class of six children and two teachers. Children meander at their own pace in our all-outdoor three-hour class through hands-on experiences and adventures, while being gently mentored by Nature Nurture trained teachers as they enhance, learn and practice the fine art and ever-important life skill of honoring all living things, including others and themselves. Hikes and adventures for ROOTS children include Presidi-Go bus rides to Presidio beaches, forests, nursery, stables and more!” -

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