Sawyer: Discover Wonder

Sawyer offers a wide variety of online activities across a range of topic areas both fun and educational, but mostly supplemental to a regular class curriculum. Sawyer is a resource for parents seeking supplemental activities for their children, from infants to ages 18 plus. The site is an ambitious amalgamation of resources ranging from Art and Music, to STEM (mostly coding), to filmmaking and adventure games. According to CEO Marissa Evans Alden, the mission is "about building the capacity for discovery in our children through adventures that delight them today and prepare them for tomorrow." Parent with their children can search on categories including age and type of activity to find providers such as teachers, schools, or sites with classes or activities to sign up for. Parents would probably like Sawyer because it opens up lots of possibilities for engaging yet entertaining resources for youngsters who want to pursue special interests. It could be useful for parents, as well as babysitters, grandparents, nannies or other caregivers who want to keep kids' busy at something fun and educational. Sawyer would not be suitable for home-schoolers, The only aspect I found lacking was the science-related activities were mostly related to coding and computer program. There was little related to life sciences or chemistry or physics.

Grades: PK-18+

Cost: The best part about Sawyer is the range of activities offered. While some are free, others are reasonably priced registration fees for classes, camps, semesters and even drop-ins.


Key features

Type of Tool: Website

Time required: Each source is different. Sawyer's offerings are courses and/or activities that take varying amounts of time depending on which one.

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  Yes, an electronic device is required

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: No, parent/teacher/caregiver involvement is necessary

Prep Time:  Parents have to sign up and register. Once registered, there may not be much "prep" time.

Other characteristics

Modality: Multimedia

Adaptive: No, it is the same for every student

Educational Philosophy: some of the activities that can be accessed are influenced by particular schools, organizations or other outlet that may be based in some educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Hands-on, Project-based, Self-directed learning, Interdisciplinary, STEAM, STEM, Nature-based, Inclusive of diverse viewpoints and perspectives, Fun and entertaining


Assessment: unsure

State Standards: unsure

Teacher Accounts:

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Linda Pizzi

I am a college administrator who oversees learning support for college students, including, but not limited to, students in academic difficulty, underserved populations, students with disabilities. I have 2 master's degrees, one in Education, the other in English. I can teach Reading, Writing, Learning Skills, English in general, and ESL. I am a writer as well.


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