A review of MobyMax

MobyMax was founded in 2010 with the goal of closing learning gaps for all students.

Mobymax is an accessible, all-in-one resource of edtech tools for students between kindergarten to 8th grade, to help families see how their children are performing relative to their grade level - with an adaptive curriculum to help close learning gaps.

It provides exercises to help reinforce concepts through quizzes and track those results. MobyMax uses assessments, check-ins, interactive classes, and rewards to keep students engaged in the activities. Students can use the program from any device with an internet connection

MobyMax is a good choice for parents want to see how their children are performing relative to grade level and track their progress. Most families find it easy to use. It can get a little glitchy, and some parents pointed out that they needed to clear the browser cache in order for the program to work properly.

Grades: K-8th grade

Cost: Pricing starts at $7.99/month for individual families


Key features

Type of Tool: Website

Time required: They recommend an average of 20-40 min per day. But that also depends if the web page is the primary source for the student's needs (e.g. homeschooling), in that case the times are between 30-40 min.

Special Needs: Yes

Literacy Requirement:


Screens:  Screens are optional

Online requirement: Yes


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: Parent/Teacher/Caregiver Help is NOT Necessary. Kids can use this independently.

Prep Time:  None

Other characteristics

Modality: Multimedia

Adaptive: Yes, it includes personalization

Educational Philosophy: Common Core

Other characteristics:   Interdisciplinary, STEAM, STEM, Fun and entertaining


Assessment: Yes, there are built in assessment tools

State Standards: Yes

Teacher Accounts: Yes

Read Reviews: https://www.facebook.com/mobylearning/reviews/?ref=page_internal

SchoolClosures.org Volunteers

Schoolclosures.org is a partnership run by 300+ volunteers and 80+ organizations pooling resources to provide a unified response to the current crisis and its impact on families. The hotline is staffed by volunteers with expertise in education and social services. 


Zinn Education Project

