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It's so amazing
It's so amazing is one of our top choices for Sex ed. It was created by Robie H. Harris. An engaging read for curious children. "This book was created in response to requests from parents, educators, librarians, health professionals and clergy for a book on sexual health for younger children, ages 7 and up" - Robie H. Harris

It's not the stork
It's not the stork is one of our top choices for Sex Ed. It was created by Robie H. Harris. For a visually engaging and enriching educational book written to educate children on how babies are made and other questions alike that children may ask, we recommend, "It's Not the Stork!" by Robie H. Harris. Michael Emberley and Robie. H Harris created this book to answer young children’s many questions and concerns about issues revolving around gender, where babies come from, and other questions related to the topic.

Amaze is one of our top choices for Sex ed. It was created by Debra Hauser, MPH: President, Advocates for Youth. For a scientifically informative and engaging curriculum on sexual education that accommodates to a variety of ages, we recommend Amaze. "AMAZE harnesses the power of digital media to provide young adolescents around the globe with medically accurate, age-appropriate, affirming, and honest sex education they can access directly online"

Sex is a Funny Word
Sex is a Funny Word is one of our top choices for Sexual Education. It was created by Cory Silverberg. For an visually engaging and age-appropriate informative comic book, we recommend Cory Silverberg's "Sex is a Funny Word." "A comic book for kids that includes children and families of all makeups, orientations, and gender identities... Sex Is a Funny Word opens up conversations between young people and their caregivers."

OWL (Our Whole Lives) program
Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education (OWL) is one of our top choices for Sex Ed. Co-published by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ, OWL is a secular, comprehensive sexuality education program for Kindergarten through Older Adulthood. Embodying the values of Self-Worth, Sexual Health, Responsibility, and Justice and Inclusion, OWL dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to recommend Our Whole Lives (OWL).

Scarleteen is one of our top choices for Sex Ed. It was created by Heather Corinna. For an engaging and informative material that also provides various resources including interactive services and mentoring for young individuals, we recommend Scarleteen to provide safe and appropriate educating on sex and health. "Scarleteen was created out of an expressed need from young people themselves... based on what young people asked for, through existing experience in alternative education, writing, social justice activism, health and sexuality”