How to keep young children engaged while families are working from home:
a free workshop for families
This workshop was held on Saturday, March 7th @ 10am Pacific Time / 1pm Eastern
During the pandemic, many parents are struggling to find ways to carve out a few hours of time where they can work without distraction. This can be especially challenging when there are young children in the household who need a lot of attention and individualized care. For families who are reluctant to expose their children to too much screen-time, there can be a feeling of guilt attached to letting kids watch TV or play apps, but a sense that there are no other viable alternatives.
In this workshop, the co-founder of Modulo Learning, teacher and and homeschooling expert, Manisha Snoyer will give families tips and tools on ways to carve out blocks of time where children can play and learn while parents work, suggest activities to keep them engaged, explore possibilities for not eliminating, but developing a more mindful approach to digital activities - and give specific strategies on how to tap into children’s intrinsic motivation to encourage independent learning.
Finally, we will address the necessity of quality attention as an absolutely vital part of healthy early childhood development and talk about ways parents can work and also give this quality attention so important for helping children develop healthy attachments, strong self-confidence and groundedness, such as understanding and support from their employer, sharing care safely during the pandemic, effectively draw on friends and in-laws for quality help or even changing career paths.
Every child is different so the workshop will leave lots of time for parents to ask questions about their specific child and the best strategies for engagement.
This workshop is especially designed for parents with children ages 3-7, but families with children of all ages are welcome.
Meet the facilitator
Manisha Snoyer
CEO & Co-founder, Modulo
Manisha is a teacher and entrepreneur who recently re-located to the Bay area after 15 years in Brooklyn. She is passionate about empowering families and communities to provide personalized education to every child. Last year, she began working on, Modulo, a program to support families learning at home for the first time. She is also the co-founder of, a free tutoring project for families. In March, Manisha co-founded, a hotline and website to support families impacted by school closures. Since then, has grown to 80 partner organizations sand 300 vounteers, helping over 100k families get critical support on issues including learning, meals, childcare, tech and mental health. Prior to founding schoolclosures, Manisha worked with hundreds of homeschool families and teachers via CottageClass, a platform to support teachers and parents starting homeschool co-ops and small microschools.
Manisha created the curriculum for Kinderpod, Modulo’s Online Virtual Kindergarten Program, Kinderpod, that keeps kids learning and engaged while families work.