Learning resources

One of the most delightful parts of independent learning is personalizing your child’s education, mixing and matching different approaches to create the ideal experience for your child. There’s no need to pick just one or set anything in stone as your child’s learning style and interests will certainly evolve as they grow and the world changes around them! Learn about different philosophies on learning, as well as practical resources available such as books, online classes, local organizations and more.

Self-Directed Education
learning, home Manisha Snoyer (CEO and co-founder of Modulo) learning, home Manisha Snoyer (CEO and co-founder of Modulo)

Self-Directed Education

Children come into this world with a mind like a sponge and an insatiable desire to learn about the world, so how can we support their curiosity and allow it to flourish? Research shows that giving children a significant amount of space and time to pursue subjects that are of interest to them at their own rate and in their own way can be hugely beneficial, if not indispensable to their intellectual development. Any parent who has ever witnessed their child learning something they are excited about- whether it’s memorizing the name of every dinosaur or asking you to re-read the same book 50 times - knows the power of self-directed learning! Giving children space for self-directed learning also prepares children to be independent thinkers, preserve their natural love of learning and help them grow into autonomous adults, the movers and shapers of tomorrow!

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