Learning resources

One of the most delightful parts of independent learning is personalizing your child’s education, mixing and matching different approaches to create the ideal experience for your child. There’s no need to pick just one or set anything in stone as your child’s learning style and interests will certainly evolve as they grow and the world changes around them! Learn about different philosophies on learning, as well as practical resources available such as books, online classes, local organizations and more.

Parent engagement in learning
learning Manisha Snoyer (CEO and co-founder of Modulo) learning Manisha Snoyer (CEO and co-founder of Modulo)

Parent engagement in learning

Perhaps no other tool has shown to improve student learning outcomes then a parent’s involvement in their child’s education. Your child’s best teacher…drumroll…is you! Children learn by emulating you and by having conversations with you about what they are learning and the world around them. You understand your child’s learning style better than anyone else and are ideally suited to be the most passionate advocate for them to develop as a learner. Parent engagement in education doesn’t mean you have to study with your children 24 hours a day. There are so many ways you can play an active role in your child’s education, from asking them questions about their day to studying topics that are of interest to both of you. You don’t have to be a trained teacher to teach your child. You are naturally suited to this important role of mentor, guide and teacher.

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