Find childcare - in beta

Our childcare finder is currently in beta and run by humans! Please be patient as our team searches for personalized childcare recommendations for you.

Our virtual childcare groups engage children in project-based learning and social-emotional learning online. All childcare happens in a small group setting with no more than 4-5 participants and are facilitated by caregivers trained in Modular learning and using technology to support active engagement online. In order to keep kids engaged and learning while parents are working, we lean into the online medium we’re using to enhance learning and connection. Each session includes STEAM (science, tech, engineering, arts and mathematics). We also do meditation, yoga and lots of jumping jacks to stay active and moving. Our tech guidelines help parents set up an environment that allows kids to move freely during their online sessions and eliminate distracting background noise for other participants. Families can choose the number of hours they need every week and increase or decrease as needed.

Virtual Childcare is designed for parents seeking ways to engage children while they are working (An adult must be present in the house at all this. This is not intended to be a substitute for in-person care) While we are not featuring options for in-person care during the pandemic, we are happy to provide advice on finding safe, affordable care during the pandemic (especially to essential workers). Please contact us for support.