Understood.org’s Academic Readiness guidelines: Best choice to make sure kids are prepared for school

Updated on July 12, 2023

Many families are concerned that their children are staying on track with others at their grade in school. Understood.Org academic readiness guidelines tells parents what skills that children are expected to acquire so that they can ensure their children are at grade level or understand what skills they might need to learn. Understood.org Academic Readiness provides a lot of tips that help parents understand and teach their children as they get ready to learn new knowledge every day. The founder wanted to ensure that each children gets access to equal amount of resources so that they are better prepared for future challenges. Parents can click into each corresponding article to find a list of additional resources such as videos and game ideas that can help children develop academic skills required at a certain age while helping parents realize their child's needs at the same time. Understood.org is a good choice for parents who wish to prepare their child for school beforehand so that their children can learn confidently at school. Parents do not like that the resources are embedded inside each separate article and it is inconvenient for parents to get a look at the big picture of resources available. To get the most out of Understood.org Academic Readiness, parents are encouraged to communicate with the child's teachers and discuss which activities are most beneficial to the child

Grades: Preschool to High School

Cost: Understood.org Academic Readiness is easily accessible to anyone as it is free!


Key features

Type of Tool: Website

Time required: Parents say they only need about 15 minutes to read the complete article, yet a longer time to use the resources provided in each article

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  No, no screens are required

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: n/a

Prep Time:  n/a

Other characteristics

Modality: Visual

Adaptive: No, it is the same for every student

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Self-directed learning


Assessment: No, there is no assessment component

State Standards: No

Teacher Accounts:

Read Reviews:

Get:  https://www.understood.org/pages/en/learning-thinking-differences/signs-symptoms/academic-readiness/

Melissa Chan

Melissa Chan is a high school student and volunteer for schoolclosures.org and masteryhour.org


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