The best homeschool co-ops in NYC

One of the biggest concerns for parents considering homeschooling is how to balance their child's education with socialization and childcare needs. When you embark on the homeschooling journey, questions about social development and finding reliable childcare often come to the forefront. In a bustling city like New York, the challenge isn't just about choosing to homeschool—it's about finding the right resources and communities to fill those essential social and educational gaps.

This is where homeschool co-ops come in. These co-ops, often described as hidden gems, provide a hybrid model where education, community, and, in some cases, childcare, come together. Yet, finding a quality homeschool co-op can be daunting. Many co-ops don't have a strong online presence, making them difficult to discover. As someone who has spent the last decade deeply immersed in the world of homeschool co-ops, I've done the research for you. Below is a curated list of the best homeschool co-ops in NYC, each offering something unique for different types of learners and families.

Why I wrote this piece

For the last 10 years, I have been deeply involved with homeschool co-ops. My interest began while working as a teacher and tutor in NYC, where I often heard parents expressing their frustrations with the overcrowded, under-resourced public schools and the high costs of private schools. Many of these parents were starting their own homeschool co-ops, which offered personalized education, small class sizes, and a sense of community for both children and parents. This inspired me to start my first company, CottageClass, which helped parents and educators create microschools where children could learn in small groups for one to five days a week.

During the pandemic, the demand for co-ops and learning pods surged, and I wrote a widely-read guide on how to start a learning pod, helping thousands of families and teachers create these specialized learning environments. After assisting in the formation of hundreds of homeschool co-ops, I became increasingly interested in the concept of modular learning, where homeschoolers combine parent-led instruction, local and online classes, tutors, learning apps, and co-ops that meet one to two days a week. These co-ops serve a unique role in the homeschooling community by providing socialization opportunities, a break for parents, and a flexible learning environment.

What’s a homeschool co-op?

While it’s not an official term and there is no universally agreed upon definition, in essence, when you hear the word “homeschool co-op” or learning pod it means this:

Structure: Homeschool co-ops are hybrid programs that can meet for half a day, full day or up to four days a week. They can be drop off, teacher-led or parent-led. They offer homeschoolers a chance to build friendships and provide parents with valuable childcare support, and can also offer some outside accountability to ensure kids are on track academically. Some have more of an academic focus and can provide support with education. Other co-ops are mostly self-directed. Some are highly structured. In some, parents drop off their children; in others, parents stay and work on the sidelines while the children interact.

Setting: Co-ops can take place in a variety of settings, from homes to art galleries, and some have dedicated spaces. For example, Brooklyn Apple Academy operates out of a renovated space in Park Slope, complete with a makerspace, art studio, and fully equipped woodshop. Co-ops can be run by teachers or by parents taking turns as educators.

Costs vary widely; some co-ops are free or low-cost if they operate on a skill-share model, while others, run by teachers, are still significantly more affordable than private school. Sometimes parents guide the curriculum and hire a teacher, while other times the teacher is the founder, who sets the program’s guidelines. Parents appreciate co-ops for their small class sizes, flexibility, creativity, and personalized approach.

How to find a homeschool co-op

Finding a homeschool co-op can be challenging since many do not have a website or a strong online presence. To help with this, we've interviewed hundreds of parents in NYC, visited many programs and read reviews on Facebook, instagram and other hidden review sites to uncover the best homeschool co-ops for every type of learner, and we’ve compiled this guide to help you find the perfect fit.

The Top 17 Homeschool Co-ops in NYC


1. Brooklyn Apple Academy

Brooklyn Apple Academy offers a nurturing environment where creativity and hands-on learning are at the core. Catering to children aged 4.5 to 18, the academy emphasizes self-paced learning, allowing children to explore subjects driven by their curiosity. The program is deeply rooted in the belief that learning should be integrated into everyday activities, whether through reading subway signs during field trips or selling cookies at a farmers' market to understand math concepts. Students learn through a project-based approach, which makes learning both fun and relevant to their lives. Whether it’s creating art, building in the woodshop, or drafting invitations for performances, every activity is designed to foster independence and critical thinking.

Brooklyn Apple Academy stands out for its unique blend of freedom and structure. While students are encouraged to follow their own interests, there is also a strong emphasis on community projects and group learning, which helps build social skills and teamwork. The academy’s space, located on the second floor of a Park Slope residential building, has been thoughtfully renovated to include a makerspace, an art studio, and a fully functional woodshop, all equipped with safety gear and tools. This setup allows children to engage in meaningful, hands-on activities that stimulate both their creative and intellectual growth. Parents appreciate the academy’s focus on small class sizes and personalized attention, which creates a supportive and stimulating environment for every child.

2. Cottonwood NYC

Based in the vibrant neighborhood of Greenpoint, Cottonwood NYC operates as a homeschool collective that is deeply committed to fostering a sense of community among its students. The co-op offers part-time enrollment options, which is perfect for families looking to integrate structured learning with the flexibility of homeschooling. Cottonwood caters to two main age groups: a primary group for children aged 5-10 and an upper group for learners aged 11 and up. This age-based division ensures that activities and lessons are developmentally appropriate and engaging for all participants.

Cottonwood NYC is unique in its global approach to education. The co-op regularly collaborates with other microschools and homeschool collectives around the world, providing students with opportunities to engage in cross-cultural exchanges and collaborative projects. This global perspective is woven into the curriculum, with lessons designed to connect local experiences to broader global issues. Whether it’s through a virtual pen pal program or a joint art project with a microschool in another country, students at Cottonwood NYC gain a broader understanding of the world while building strong local connections. The co-op’s curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and social responsibility, preparing students not just for academic success, but for life as engaged, thoughtful citizens.

3. All Seasons Homeschoolers

All Seasons Homeschoolers is a Brooklyn-based outdoor homeschool collective that meets weekly throughout the year, embracing the changing seasons as a core component of its educational approach. This co-op is perfect for families who value nature-based learning and want their children to spend more time outdoors. The group’s activities are centered around free play, crafts, and field trips, providing a balanced mix of structure and freedom that allows children to explore their interests in a natural setting.

One of the key features of All Seasons Homeschoolers is its emphasis on community. The collective is made up of families who are committed to creating a supportive environment where children can learn and grow together. The co-op’s activities are designed to be inclusive and adaptable, ensuring that all children, regardless of their abilities or interests, can participate fully. Field trips might include visits to local parks, nature reserves, or cultural institutions, providing children with hands-on learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom. Parents also play an active role in the co-op, contributing their skills and knowledge to the group’s activities, which helps to build a strong sense of community among members.

4. Park Slope Enrichment Co-op

The Park Slope Enrichment Co-op is a unique program that offers enrichment activities for children aged 9-12 in the vibrant Park Slope neighborhood. Meeting bi-weekly, this co-op is centered around creating a supportive and collaborative community where children can learn together and build lasting friendships. The program is entirely parent-led, with each family contributing to the planning and execution of activities, which helps to foster a strong sense of ownership and involvement among the members.

The co-op’s curriculum is diverse and designed to cater to a wide range of interests and learning styles. Activities might include anything from science experiments and creative writing workshops to field trips and outdoor adventures. Each session is designed to be hands-on and interactive, encouraging children to engage deeply with the material and with each other. The collaborative nature of the co-op means that children also have the opportunity to develop important social skills, such as teamwork, communication, and leadership.

One of the key strengths of the Park Slope Enrichment Co-op is its flexibility. The bi-weekly meetings allow families to commit to the co-op without it becoming overwhelming, and the parent-led structure means that the program can be tailored to meet the needs and interests of the group. This flexibility, combined with the supportive community atmosphere, makes the co-op an ideal choice for families who want to enrich their children’s education while also fostering a strong sense of community.

5. Forest Explorers NYC

Inspired by the Waldorf educational philosophy, Forest Explorers NYC offers a nature-based program for children aged 2 and up, located in the lush surroundings of Forest Park, Queens. The program is led by Ms. Julie, a teacher who is highly regarded for her ability to connect with children and foster a love of learning through nature. Forest Explorers NYC focuses on outdoor education, allowing children to explore the natural world while developing their creativity, curiosity, and social skills.

The program’s curriculum is flexible and child-led, with activities that evolve based on the interests and discoveries of the students. A typical day might involve hiking through the forest, identifying plants and animals, or engaging in imaginative play inspired by the natural surroundings. Ms. Julie’s approach is deeply nurturing, encouraging each child’s individuality while fostering a sense of community within the group. Parents often praise the program for its ability to build confidence in their children and provide a safe, inclusive space for learning. Forest Explorers NYC is an ideal choice for families who want their children to develop a strong connection to nature and experience the benefits of outdoor learning in a supportive, Waldorf-inspired environment.

6. Reach for the Stars Big Dipper Program

Located in Queens, the Reach for the Stars Big Dipper Program is an enriching homeschool co-op designed for young learners aged 3-6. The program offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes subjects such as reading, math, science, art, and even Italian instruction. With a strong emphasis on early childhood education, Reach for the Stars provides a nurturing environment where children can develop foundational academic skills in a small, supportive setting.

The Big Dipper Program is particularly noted for its focus on individualized attention and small class sizes, which allows for a highly personalized educational experience. The curriculum is designed to be engaging and hands-on, with activities that encourage children to explore, experiment, and express themselves creatively. For example, math lessons might involve using manipulatives to solve problems, while art sessions could include everything from painting to sculpture. The program also incorporates elements of social-emotional learning, helping children develop important skills such as empathy, cooperation, and self-regulation. Parents who have enrolled their children in the Big Dipper Program often speak highly of the caring and knowledgeable staff, who are dedicated to creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.

7. Brooklyn Explorers Co-op

The Brooklyn Explorers Co-op is a homeschool social club and co-op that prides itself on its privacy and strong sense of community. This co-op is designed for families who value consistency and long-term relationships, with a focus on building friendships and a supportive community. The co-op operates on a year-round basis, with regular meetings that provide both social and educational opportunities for children and their families.

The Brooklyn Explorers Co-op is unique in that it treats the world as its classroom. This means that the co-op’s activities are not confined to a single space but instead take place in various locations around the city. Whether it’s exploring a new neighborhood, visiting a museum, or participating in a community service project, the co-op’s activities are designed to be both educational and enriching. The emphasis on experiential learning helps children to see the connections between their studies and the world around them, making learning more meaningful and engaging.

The co-op also values privacy, which is reflected in its application process and the way it operates. While this might mean that it’s a bit harder to find information about the co-op online, it also ensures that the group remains close-knit and focused on its core values. This commitment to privacy and community makes the Brooklyn Explorers Co-op an excellent choice for families who are looking for a supportive, long-term community where their children can learn and grow.

8. Crown Heights Childcare Collective

The Crown Heights Childcare Collective is a play-based childcare co-op located in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn. This co-op is designed for young children, offering a nurturing environment where learning is integrated into play and everyday activities. The collective operates with a strong community orientation, with a focus on building relationships among families and creating a supportive network for both children and parents.

The Crown Heights Childcare Collective follows a play-based philosophy, which recognizes that young children learn best through play. The co-op provides a variety of educational toys and tools that support learning in a natural, engaging way. Activities are designed to be child-led, allowing children to explore their interests and develop at their own pace. For example, a typical day might include sensory play with water or sand, building with blocks, or engaging in imaginative play with peers. The collective also incorporates elements of social-emotional learning, helping children to develop important skills such as sharing, cooperation, and conflict resolution.

Parents play an active role in the Crown Heights Childcare Collective, contributing their time and skills to the group’s activities and events. This involvement not only helps to keep the co-op affordable but also fosters a strong sense of community among the families involved. The collective’s emphasis on community building extends beyond the children, with parents working together to organize events, share resources, and support one another. This makes the Crown Heights Childcare Collective an ideal choice for families looking for a play-based, community-oriented childcare option in Brooklyn.

9. Discovery Kids

Discovery Kids is a unique forest preschool program located in Brooklyn, designed for children aged 2-5. The program is centered around nature exploration and outdoor learning, with a curriculum that emphasizes hands-on experiences, environmental stewardship, and holistic development. Discovery Kids operates with the belief that the best way for young children to learn is by being outdoors, surrounded by nature, and engaged in activities that stimulate their curiosity and creativity.

The daily schedule at Discovery Kids is carefully structured to balance free play, exploration, and guided activities. Mornings typically begin with a drop-off and a walk to Prospect Park, where the day’s adventures take place. Activities might include circle time with songs and stories, arts and crafts using natural materials, and plenty of time for unstructured exploration. Children are encouraged to engage with their environment, whether it’s through identifying plants and animals, building with sticks and stones, or simply running and playing in the open spaces. The program also includes time for reflection and group discussions, helping children to process their experiences and share their discoveries with their peers.

Discovery Kids is known for its focus on holistic development, addressing not only cognitive growth but also emotional well-being, resilience, and environmental consciousness. The program’s emphasis on outdoor learning helps children to develop a strong connection to nature and fosters a sense of responsibility for the environment. Parents appreciate the program’s thoughtful approach to early childhood education, as well as the opportunity it provides for their children to learn and grow in a natural, supportive setting. Discovery Kids is an excellent choice for families seeking a nature-based preschool program that nurtures the whole child.

10. Midwood Co-op

The Midwood Co-op is a weekly homeschool co-op that meets in the Midwood section of Brooklyn. Designed for children aged 5-12, this co-op offers a structured yet flexible environment that combines academic learning with socialization and play. The co-op meets every Thursday, providing a consistent schedule that helps children build routine and structure into their week.

The Midwood Co-op offers a wide range of activities, from academic lessons in subjects like math and science to creative pursuits such as art and music. The program is designed to be flexible, allowing parents to tailor their child’s participation based on their individual needs and interests. This flexibility is one of the co-op’s key strengths, as it allows families to integrate the co-op into their existing homeschooling routines without feeling overwhelmed.

In addition to the academic and creative activities, the Midwood Co-op places a strong emphasis on socialization and community building. The group’s small size means that children can form close friendships, and the regular meetings provide ample opportunities for social interaction. Parents are also encouraged to get involved, whether by leading a session or simply participating in the group’s activities. This involvement helps to create a strong sense of community and ensures that the co-op remains a supportive and welcoming environment for all families.


11. Different Directions

Located in the heart of Hell's Kitchen, Different Directions is a flexible co-op that offers a wide range of classes for homeschooling families. This co-op is particularly appealing for parents who need a reliable, part-time solution that fits into their busy schedules. The program allows families to sign up for individual classes or spend the entire day at the co-op, making it an ideal choice for those looking to balance homeschooling with other commitments.

The offerings at Different Directions are diverse, covering subjects from the arts to sciences, and everything in between. With classes available for children from kindergarten through high school, the co-op provides a rich, interdisciplinary curriculum that is both challenging and engaging. For example, younger children might spend the morning exploring the basics of science through hands-on experiments, while older students might dive into creative writing workshops or advanced math classes. The flexibility of the program allows families to tailor their child’s education to their specific needs and interests, whether they want to focus on one subject or explore a variety of disciplines. Additionally, the co-op’s central location makes it accessible for families across the city, and its welcoming community ensures that both children and parents feel supported.

12. Forest School Group in Central Park

Organized by Jennilyn Carson, this Forest School Group meets weekly in Central Park, offering a nature-focused educational experience for children aged 4-8. The program is led by Michelle Byron, a homeschooling mom and educator who brings a wealth of knowledge, creativity, and kindness to her teaching. The co-op’s curriculum is play-based and child-led, with each session centered around outdoor exploration and discovery.

The group’s activities are designed to foster a deep connection to nature and encourage children to learn through hands-on experiences. A typical session might involve the children exploring different parts of Central Park, such as the Harlem Meer, where they might observe wildlife, collect natural materials, or engage in imaginative play. The curriculum is flexible, allowing the day's lessons to be guided by the children’s curiosity and discoveries. Michelle’s approach is nurturing and inclusive, creating a safe space where every child feels valued and supported.

Parents appreciate the balance between structure and freedom that the Forest School Group provides. While there is a loose framework for each session, the emphasis is on allowing children to lead their own learning experiences. This method not only helps to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills but also fosters a sense of independence and confidence in the children. The group’s small size ensures that each child receives individual attention, and the strong sense of community among the families involved adds another layer of support for both children and parents. This co-op is an excellent choice for families looking for a nature-based, play-driven educational experience in the heart of New York City.

13. Battery Playscape Meetup

The Battery Playscape Meetup is an informal yet academically-oriented co-op that meets every Thursday afternoon at the Battery Playscape, a large, dynamic playground located at the southern tip of Manhattan. This co-op is designed for children aged 7-12 and offers a blend of structured educational activities and free play. The group is small and tight-knit, making it a great environment for children to form lasting friendships while engaging in meaningful learning experiences.

The co-op’s activities vary each week, but they always incorporate elements of both academics and play. For example, one week might focus on a science experiment or a math challenge, while another might involve a collaborative art project or a group discussion on a historical topic. The sessions are designed to be engaging and interactive, encouraging children to think critically and work together. The group’s leaders are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where all children feel comfortable participating.

Parents are also encouraged to get involved, whether by leading a session or simply participating in the discussions and activities. This involvement helps to build a strong sense of community within the group and provides additional opportunities for learning and socialization. The Battery Playscape itself offers a fantastic outdoor space where children can run, climb, and explore, adding a physical component to the educational experience. This co-op is ideal for families who want a balance of academics and play in a vibrant, outdoor setting.


14. The Enrichment Center

Located in Glenwood Landing, The Enrichment Center is a cozy, nurturing co-op that serves children aged 4-6. This co-op meets twice a week and offers a blend of structured curriculum work and hands-on activities, including crafts, gardening, and outdoor play. The program is designed to provide a well-rounded educational experience that addresses both academic and social-emotional development.

The Enrichment Center is particularly known for its emphasis on sensory experiences and nature-based learning. Each session is carefully planned to include activities that engage children’s senses and encourage them to explore the world around them. For example, children might spend part of the morning working on a long-term art project, followed by a lesson on medicinal plants that grow in the co-op’s garden. The curriculum also includes lessons on building healthy relationships with peers, teaching children important social skills such as cooperation, empathy, and conflict resolution.

In addition to the hands-on activities, the co-op also incorporates more traditional academic work into its sessions. This might include reading, writing, and basic math skills, all taught in a way that is engaging and age-appropriate. The small group size ensures that each child receives individualized attention, allowing them to progress at their own pace. The Enrichment Center is an excellent option for families seeking a nurturing, community-oriented environment where children can grow both academically and socially.

15. Mindful Learners

Mindful Learners is a Waldorf-inspired co-op located in Garden City, offering a two-day summer camp for children aged 3-7. This co-op is designed to provide a holistic educational experience that nurtures both the mind and the spirit, with a focus on nature exploration, crafts, and social-emotional learning. The program meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays, providing a consistent schedule that allows children to build relationships and engage deeply with the material.

The curriculum at Mindful Learners is based on the principles of Waldorf education, which emphasizes creativity, imagination, and hands-on learning. Each session includes a mix of structured activities and free play, allowing children to explore their interests and develop their creativity. For example, children might spend the morning working on a group art project, followed by a nature walk where they learn about the local flora and fauna. The program also includes time for reflection and discussion, helping children to develop important social-emotional skills such as empathy, self-awareness, and cooperation.

One of the unique features of Mindful Learners is its emphasis on community building. Parents are encouraged to stay during the sessions and participate in discussions on topics such as parenting styles, discipline, and child development. This not only provides valuable support and guidance for parents but also helps to create a strong sense of community within the group. Mindful Learners is an excellent choice for families who are looking for a nurturing, Waldorf-inspired educational experience that also offers opportunities for personal growth and community building.

16. Little Cuties Learning

Little Cuties Learning is a Montessori-based homeschool co-op located in Whitestone, NY, designed to serve children aged 2-5. Little Cuties Learning provides an enriching environment where young children can explore, learn, and grow through hands-on activities and socialization. The co-op’s Montessori-based approach emphasizes independence, curiosity, and respect for a child’s natural developmental stages. This philosophy is reflected in the co-op’s curriculum, which is designed to be child-centered and flexible, allowing each child to learn at their own pace.

The program at Little Cuties Learning is divided into several key areas, including practical life skills, sensory activities, language development, and early math concepts. Children might spend the morning engaged in activities like cooking, where they learn to measure ingredients and follow a recipe, or gardening, where they explore the life cycle of plants and learn to care for their environment. The co-op also includes plenty of opportunities for free play, during which children can choose activities that interest them, fostering independence and self-motivation.

Little Cuties Learning is known for its warm, inclusive environment, where children from diverse backgrounds are welcomed and celebrated. The co-op offers programs in multiple languages, including English, Greek, and Spanish, giving children a head start on multilingual learning. The flexible scheduling options, including part-time, full-time, and single-day care, make it an ideal choice for families with varying needs and schedules. Parents appreciate the program’s focus on social-emotional development, as well as its commitment to fostering a love of learning in a supportive, community-oriented environment.

17. Creative Space Learning Center

Creative Space Learning Center is a self-directed learning association located in Long Beach, NY, serving homeschooling and unschooling families with children aged 3-14. The center offers a wide range of programs, including full-day and half-day options, making it a flexible choice for families seeking a comprehensive, individualized educational experience. The co-op’s philosophy is based on the principles of self-directed learning, where children are encouraged to pursue their interests and take an active role in their education.

Creative Space Learning Center’s curriculum is diverse and designed to cater to a wide range of learning styles and interests. The program includes STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) activities, literacy and math support, nature exploration, coding and animation, 3D printing, fitness and yoga, and culinary arts, among others. Each activity is designed to be hands-on and engaging, encouraging children to explore, create, and problem-solve. For example, a typical day might involve building and programming a robot in a coding class, followed by a yoga session to promote physical and mental well-being, and ending with a creative art project that ties in with a current theme or interest.

What sets Creative Space Learning Center apart is its strong focus on community and family involvement. The center regularly organizes field trips, family events, and community service projects, providing children with opportunities to learn in real-world settings and build strong connections with their peers. The center also offers a supportive environment for parents, with opportunities for involvement in their child’s education and the broader learning community. This combination of individualized learning, community focus, and flexible scheduling makes Creative Space Learning Center an excellent choice for families who value a holistic, self-directed approach to education.

Why Homeschool Co-ops Matter

Homeschool co-ops are more than just educational spaces—they are communities where children can build friendships, parents can find support, and learning extends beyond textbooks. In NYC, co-ops offer various structures, from highly organized programs with paid instructors to more informal, parent-led groups. Some meet several times a week, while others might only gather once or twice a month. Regardless of their format, these co-ops serve as a vital bridge, offering both social interaction for children and much-needed support for homeschooling parents.

Need help finding the perfect co-op?

Book a free call with Modulo to find the perfect fit. We’ll walk you through options in your area and help you find the ideal co-op for your unique child.

Manisha Snoyer (co-founder of Modulo)

For the last 20 years, I’ve taught over 2000 children in 3 countries (of all socio-economic backgrounds). I pioneered an English language program in a conflict region in the Middle East. I’ve worked as a bilingual public school teacher at some of the highest and lowest performing public schools and in all five boroughs of NYC. I’ve tutored 18 subjects in three languages to some of the wealthiest families in NYC, San Francisco and Paris to make up for shortcomings in private schools they were paying up to $60,000 a year to attend.

Since 2015, I’ve helped hundreds of parents start microschools (way before this was a household buzzword). I founded CottageClass, the first marketplace for microschools and learning pods that was part of the Techstars 2018 class. In 2019, I created a virtual learning program to help families through the pandemic, a free online math tutoring program (, and, a hotline developed in collaboration with Twilio and 80 other partners including Khan Academy, Revolution Foods and the Crisis Text Line, that served 100,000 families impacted by school closures.

I’ve climbed trees with children in forest schools in San Francisco, and tested new digital apps with kids in seven countries.

I’ve also coached dozens of families at different stages in their homeschooling journey. Most recently, I founded Modulo with homeschooling dad, best-selling author and tech entrepreneur Eric Ries, to help families curate their children’s education, social and childcare experiences drawing from a diverse array of in-person and online resources.

During the last three years, I’ve devoted much of my time to reviewing and testing secular homeschooling curriculum and other resource. I’ve spent the last three years talking to thousands of secular homeschooling families, and poring over tens of thousands of secular curriculum reviews and testing physical curriculum and digital apps for with hundreds of students to find the highest quality, most engaging, personalized learning materials for every type of learner.

I’ve spoken about homeschooling and modular learning at multiple venues including SXSW EDU, NY Tech Meetup, and on the LiberatedEd podcast.

In 2022, Modulo was one of 8 organizations who were awarded the Bridge Grant from the Vela Education Fund to expand access to homeschooling and modular learning to under-resourced communities.

My experience in education and homeschooling has led me to believe that there is no perfect education for every child, but families have an extraordinary amount of wisdom they can apply to building the perfect education for their individual child.

My goal with Modulo is to make it possible for any family to easily build a customized education that their child will love, and that will empower the whole family to thrive, taking into account, social, emotional and academic needs.

I love to answer questions from parents and receive feedback on how we can improve Modulo, so feel free to reach out anytime! I personally answer all the questions and comments readers leave on my blogs.

In my free time, I like hiking, traveling the world, tasting ceremonial grade matcha, enjoying dark chocolate.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Brandeis University with highest honors, with a double degree in French Literature and American Studies and minors in Environmental Studies and Peace & Conflict Studies.

And I love to learn!

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