Money MunchKid$: Best choice for financial education for young kids
For an interactive approach to learning about different aspects of finance, Money MunchKid$ is a great choice for youngsters. Money MunchKid$ is dyslexia-friendly and super organized, making it effective for different types of learners, whether they are visual or aural learners. The curriculum was inspired by the creator's little brother and other kids she met in her life, as she often saw children pretending to be adults, going to the bank, and swiping their credit cards. She realized that children are not taught about money properly. Money MunchKid$ uses hands-on exercises provided in workbooks to ensure that children learn and have fun at the same time. Parents love that Money MunchKid$ is able to reach young kids, even those studying in kindergarten, and educate them about money and the proper ways of handling it at a young age in a way that is easily understandable. Some parents dislike the rigid structure of learning suggested by Money MunchKid$, with lessons having predetermined time ranges, as some children have shorter focus times than others. It is suggested that the Instructor’s Guide be ordered along with the student workbook kit in order to facilitate better learning.
Grades: Kindergarten to 3rd grade
Cost: The Instructor’s Guide and Student Workbook Kit costs $80. It costs $60 to buy the Student Workbook separately without the Instructors Guide
Key features
Type of Tool: Textbook, Podcast, Board Games
Time required: Money MunchKid$ curriculum is comprised of 35 key lessons, and students mostly take 40-50 minutes to finish each lesson
Special Needs: Autism, Dyslexia
Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read): No
Screens: No, no screens are required
Online requirement: No
Parent/Caregiver Involvement: No, parent/teacher/caregiver involvement is necessary
Prep Time: Grab and Go
Other characteristics
Modality: Visual, Hands-on/kinesthetic
Adaptive: No, it is the same for every student
Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy
Other characteristics: Hands-on, Interdisciplinary, Fun and entertaining
Assessment: N/A
State Standards: Yes
Teacher Accounts: No
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