How to find a homeschool co-op near you
Homeschool co-ops (otherwise known as learning pods, microschools, hybrid schools, colearning centers or homeschool resource centers) can be excellent resources for families to make friends and get childcare covered.
Finding a homeschool co-op near you doesn’t have to be hard. They generally don’t advertise widely, so you’ll need to do a little digging.
Not everyone likes Facebook, but for better or worse, this is wear most of the secular homeschooling action is happening.
Step 1. Go to Facebook Groups Discover
Step 2. Search for Unschooling or follow this link (Unschooling is often used synonymously with secular homeschooling)
Step 3. Click “groups” in the left side bar.
Step 4. The option to choose your city should pop up.
Step 5. If you don’t see any groups, try a broader term “homeschool”
Step 5. Join a group
Step 6. Search for the words “co-op” or “pod” in the group by clicking the search icon in the top right
Step 7. You’ll see posts for parents leading co-ops. Message them and join!
Step 8. If you don’t see any homeschool co-ops, just post to the group and ask if there are any going on.
Step 9. If you still don’t get any leads, try search yelp or google maps for homeschool. Contact your local homeschool resource center or class and ask if they’re aware of any co-ops.