Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash, a rhythm-based action platformer, was created by Swedish developer Robert Topala under the company RobTop Games. Released on August 13, 2013, for iOS and Android, and later for Windows and macOS, the game has garnered significant acclaim for its challenging gameplay and vibrant design. Topala, originally inspired by the "Impossible Game," sought to create a more complex and visually appealing platformer that combined music and precise timing to captivate players. The game's success is marked by over 325,000 positive reviews on Steam and various accolades, making it one of the top-selling mobile games in 2018​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

Differentiation: What Makes It Special

Geometry Dash stands out due to its unique blend of rhythmic gameplay and user-generated content. Unlike typical platformers, it integrates music as a core element, requiring players to time their movements with the beat. The game includes a robust level editor, enabling users to create and share their levels, fostering a large, active community. Additionally, its practice mode allows players to master levels by setting checkpoints, which significantly aids in skill development and perseverance​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

How to Get Started

Getting started with Geometry Dash is straightforward. The game is available for download on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. After purchasing and installing the game, users can immediately begin playing the initial levels. For homeschooling purposes, parents can introduce the game during designated learning times and set specific goals related to the game's educational concepts.

How It Works

Geometry Dash offers an engaging learning experience through its intuitive gameplay. Upon launching the game, players can select from various levels, each set to a unique soundtrack. The objective is to navigate an icon through a series of obstacles, timing jumps and movements to the rhythm of the music. The game can be both independent and parent-led; children can practice on their own, but parents can guide them through challenging levels and discuss strategies to overcome obstacles. The level editor also allows for creative exercises, where children can design their own levels, incorporating mathematical and musical elements​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

Educational Concepts It Teaches

  • Rhythm and Timing: Synchronizing movements with music enhances rhythmic skills.

  • Problem-Solving: Overcoming obstacles requires strategic planning and critical thinking.

  • Perseverance: Repeated attempts to complete levels teach persistence and resilience.

  • Creativity: Designing custom levels fosters creativity and spatial awareness.

  • Coordination: Precise control improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Does it teach geometry?

Geometry Dash does not directly teach geometry in the traditional sense. It is primarily a rhythm-based action platformer that focuses on timing, coordination, and problem-solving skills rather than mathematical concepts. However, the game's design and gameplay involve spatial reasoning and geometric shapes, which can indirectly reinforce some basic geometric understanding.

Here's how Geometry Dash might touch upon geometric concepts:

  1. Spatial Awareness: Players navigate through various obstacles, requiring an understanding of space and the relationships between different shapes.

  2. Pattern Recognition: Success in the game often depends on recognizing and memorizing patterns, which is a fundamental aspect of geometry.

  3. Symmetry and Shape: The game features numerous geometric shapes and symmetrical patterns, which can help players become more familiar with these concepts through repeated exposure.

While Geometry Dash can indirectly support some aspects of geometric thinking, it does not provide formal instruction or exercises focused on geometry. For a more structured approach to learning geometry, dedicated educational tools and curricula are recommended. Geometry Dash is more effective as a supplementary tool for developing problem-solving skills and spatial reasoning in an engaging and entertaining way​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

What’s Good About It

Homeschooling parents appreciate Geometry Dash for its engaging and addictive nature. The game's music and vibrant visuals captivate children, making it a fun way to develop important skills like timing and problem-solving. The ability to create and share custom levels adds a layer of creativity, allowing children to express themselves while learning. Additionally, the practice mode provides a supportive environment for mastering difficult challenges, promoting perseverance and a growth mindset​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

What Could Be Improved

While Geometry Dash is highly engaging, its difficulty can be frustrating for some players. The precise timing required may lead to repeated failures, which can be discouraging, especially for younger children. Some parents have noted that the game lacks educational content explicitly designed for learning, as it primarily focuses on gameplay. Introducing more educational elements or guides specifically for homeschooling use could enhance its value as a learning tool​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

Advice from Parents

Parents suggest integrating Geometry Dash into a balanced homeschooling curriculum. They recommend setting time limits to ensure that gameplay does not become overly frustrating. Utilizing the level editor for creative projects can make the game more educational. Additionally, discussing strategies and problem-solving techniques with children can help them develop critical thinking skills. Parents also suggest pairing the game with other educational activities to provide a well-rounded learning experience​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

Educational Value Score for Geometry Dash: 45/100

Geometry Dash scored highly in engagement and uniqueness due to its rhythm-based gameplay and extensive user-generated content. However, it faced significant deductions for addictive components and the potential frustration it can cause players.

Positive Scores: 56

  • Uniqueness (8/10): The integration of rhythm-based gameplay with geometric shapes and music synchronization sets Geometry Dash apart from other games.

  • Engagement (9/10): The challenging levels and the vibrant music keep children highly engaged, making it a favorite among many users.

  • Accuracy (5/10): While the game is not educational in a traditional sense, it accurately executes its gameplay mechanics and synchronization with music.

  • User-Friendliness (6/10): The interface is generally intuitive, but the high difficulty level can make it frustrating for some users.

  • Pedagogy (3/10): The game doesn't follow traditional educational methods but can indirectly teach persistence and problem-solving.

  • Homeschooling (5/10): Homeschool parents find it useful as a supplementary tool to teach coordination and perseverance.

  • Learning Focus (2/10): The game primarily focuses on entertainment rather than educational content.

  • Personalization (7/10): Customizable levels and characters allow for a degree of personalization.

  • Special Needs (4/10): The fast-paced, high-intensity gameplay may not be suitable for all special needs learners.

  • Value (7/10): Priced at $2.99, the game offers good value for the entertainment and engagement it provides.

Negative Scores: 11

  • Boredom (1/10): The game is rarely boring due to its engaging and challenging nature.

  • Addictive Components (8/10): The game can be highly addictive, with users often finding it hard to stop playing.

  • Violence (0/10): There is no violent content in the game.

  • Unhealthy Competition (2/10): The competitive nature can be unhealthy for some children who struggle with the high difficulty levels.

  • Excessive Prioritization of School Standards (0/10): The game does not prioritize school standards or exams.

Who It’s an Ideal Fit For

Geometry Dash is ideal for children who enjoy interactive and challenging games. It suits those who are musically inclined or have an interest in rhythm and timing. The game is particularly beneficial for developing perseverance and problem-solving skills, making it a good fit for learners who thrive on overcoming challenges and achieving goals through repeated practice​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

Who It’s Probably Not a Fit For

The game may not be suitable for very young children or those who easily become frustrated with difficult tasks. Children who do not enjoy fast-paced, rhythm-based games might find Geometry Dash less appealing. Additionally, parents looking for a more traditional educational tool with explicit instructional content may find that Geometry Dash does not fully meet their needs​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.


Geometry Dash is suitable for a wide range of ages, but it is most appropriate for children in upper elementary and middle school grades due to the complexity and precision required. It can also be enjoyed by high school students and adults​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.


The game is reasonably priced at approximately $4.99 for the full version, which includes all features and levels. There are also free versions with limited content and in-game advertisements​ (Steam Store)​.

Ways to Get It

Geometry Dash can be purchased and downloaded from the App Store, Google Play, Steam, and other online platforms. The game is compatible with iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS devices. For homeschooling families, it is easily accessible and affordable, making it a convenient addition to the educational toolkit​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Steam Store)​.

Manisha Snoyer (co-founder of Modulo)

For the last 20 years, I’ve taught over 2000 children in 3 countries (of all socio-economic backgrounds). I pioneered an English language program in a conflict region in the Middle East. I’ve worked as a bilingual public school teacher at some of the highest and lowest performing public schools and in all five boroughs of NYC. I’ve tutored 18 subjects in three languages to some of the wealthiest families in NYC, San Francisco and Paris to make up for shortcomings in private schools they were paying up to $60,000 a year to attend.

Since 2015, I’ve helped hundreds of parents start microschools (way before this was a household buzzword). I founded CottageClass, the first marketplace for microschools and learning pods that was part of the Techstars 2018 class. In 2019, I created a virtual learning program to help families through the pandemic, a free online math tutoring program (, and, a hotline developed in collaboration with Twilio and 80 other partners including Khan Academy, Revolution Foods and the Crisis Text Line, that served 100,000 families impacted by school closures.

I’ve climbed trees with children in forest schools in San Francisco, and tested new digital apps with kids in seven countries.

I’ve also coached dozens of families at different stages in their homeschooling journey. Most recently, I founded Modulo with homeschooling dad, best-selling author and tech entrepreneur Eric Ries, to help families curate their children’s education, social and childcare experiences drawing from a diverse array of in-person and online resources.

During the last three years, I’ve devoted much of my time to reviewing and testing secular homeschooling curriculum and other resource. I’ve spent the last three years talking to thousands of secular homeschooling families, and poring over tens of thousands of secular curriculum reviews and testing physical curriculum and digital apps for with hundreds of students to find the highest quality, most engaging, personalized learning materials for every type of learner.

I’ve spoken about homeschooling and modular learning at multiple venues including SXSW EDU, NY Tech Meetup, and on the LiberatedEd podcast.

In 2022, Modulo was one of 8 organizations who were awarded the Bridge Grant from the Vela Education Fund to expand access to homeschooling and modular learning to under-resourced communities.

My experience in education and homeschooling has led me to believe that there is no perfect education for every child, but families have an extraordinary amount of wisdom they can apply to building the perfect education for their individual child.

My goal with Modulo is to make it possible for any family to easily build a customized education that their child will love, and that will empower the whole family to thrive, taking into account, social, emotional and academic needs.

I love to answer questions from parents and receive feedback on how we can improve Modulo, so feel free to reach out anytime! I personally answer all the questions and comments readers leave on my blogs.

In my free time, I like hiking, traveling the world, tasting ceremonial grade matcha, enjoying dark chocolate.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Brandeis University with highest honors, with a double degree in French Literature and American Studies and minors in Environmental Studies and Peace & Conflict Studies.

And I love to learn!

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