The Critical Thinking Co.

An all-in-one curriculum makes it easy for parents to teach their children from home with minimal planning. For parents who prefer workbooks to virtual resources and are sensitive to meeting state standards for learning, no all-in-one mastery-based curriculum we’ve tried since 2015 is as well designed to cultivate critical thinking skills, help students achieve higher test scores and engage students in learning than The Critical Thinking Co, established in 1958 and used by 70k schools, 120 countries and 36mm students.  Well worth the price, CriticalThinking.Co costs around $25 for a full year of curriculum or an additional $25 for individual subjects. Price-sensitive parents can easily purchase used curriculum online or in local parent groups. 

For the “screen-sensitive” parent looking for a more traditional approach to academics with minimal to no prep time, this comprehensive mastery-based curriculum is our top choice for a workbook-based curriculum (though they do also provide extensive digital resources as well including ebooks, apps, online quizzes and puzzles). It’s won multiple awards and is consistently praised by parents for its colorful layouts, clear explanation of concepts and ease of use. (Parents seeking a more approach that allows for more student directed, inquiry-based learning might want to check out Torchlight) 

We sifted through thousands of comments from a group of 36,000 parents who’ve collectively tested nearly all secular home-based curricula on the market and Critical Thinking Co stood out as a clear favorite for it’s engaging, easy-to-use, beautifully designed workbook approach to their child’s learning.  Critical Thinking Co is the only mastery-based, preK-12th grade curricula that parents can just as easily use to help their kindergarten learn phonics or their gifted high school senior excel at advanced physics.

While it doesn’t offer the variety of socratic inquiry, project-based learning and nature-based activities as some of the newer, more experimental curricula like Torchlight or Blossom and Roots, nor the level of personalization an online curriculum like Khan Academy can provide, it’s by far the best bet for a parent who wants to teach their child themselves, but is looking for a simple curriculum that is easy to follow and be reassured that their child will be performing on tests at the same level or higher than their peers.

Parents seeking to deepen and accelerate their child’s learning generally choose to supplement with other curricula. It’s also worthwhile to note that many parents aren’t concerned about state standards and have had great success establishing their own standards for learning or simply following their child’s interests without any concerns about how they’re performing relative to peers. is a favorite of many teachers and schools who appreciate the engaging content for math, reading, science, history and more. We’ve also found that many parents rave about what they call “The Trifecta,” a combo of CriticalThinking Co’s Language Smarts,” “Mathematical Reasoning andVocabulary Virtuoso workbooks.

What parents like:

Fosters critical thinking skills.

The Trifecta: “Language Smarts,” “Mathematical Reasoning” and Vocabulary Virtuoso

No prep time required

Vocabulary program is outstanding

Appeals to different learning styles (creative and logical)

A fun and engaging program

High quality materials.

Helps students perform well on standardized tests

PSAT/SAT test prep is exemplary

What parents think could be improved:

Most workbooks require students to respond in full sentences, so it’s not a great bet for children with a strong aversion to writing.

Several parents felt the math program lacked depth.

Language arts, math and logic programs are adequate for a main curriculum, but math, science and history seem more supplemental.

Curriculum is geared toward improving standardized test scores, so preferable as a supplement rather than the main curriculum

Parent reviews:

“The Building Thinking Skills series is probably the most comprehensive resource for thinking skills for younger students. Each reproducible student book (except for Primary) includes an answer key. While students will be able to complete some lessons independently, others will require teacher interaction—more so with younger students. Each lesson should take about ten to twenty minutes to complete and requires minimal preparation.” -Cathy Duffy

“I do think that a lot of the CTC products are aimed at improving standardized test scores and while we use them, they are pretty much last on my list of things to do and we don't spend more than a couple of times a week working on them usually.” -Anonymous Review on Well Trained Mind

“"I have been using The Critical Thinking Co.™ materials for 17 years. Our 1st son is an honor student at the University, and our 2nd son, a senior in high school, just scored a perfect 800 on the critical reading section of the SAT. He says, 'After all of those Editor in Chief® books, how could I not do well, Mom!' Thanks The Critical Thinking Co.™." - Melissa, OK

Manisha Snoyer (co-founder of Modulo)

For the last 20 years, I’ve taught over 2000 children in 3 countries (of all socio-economic backgrounds). I pioneered an English language program in a conflict region in the Middle East. I’ve worked as a bilingual public school teacher at some of the highest and lowest performing public schools and in all five boroughs of NYC. I’ve tutored 18 subjects in three languages to some of the wealthiest families in NYC, San Francisco and Paris to make up for shortcomings in private schools they were paying up to $60,000 a year to attend.

Since 2015, I’ve helped hundreds of parents start microschools (way before this was a household buzzword). I founded CottageClass, the first marketplace for microschools and learning pods that was part of the Techstars 2018 class. In 2019, I created a virtual learning program to help families through the pandemic, a free online math tutoring program (, and, a hotline developed in collaboration with Twilio and 80 other partners including Khan Academy, Revolution Foods and the Crisis Text Line, that served 100,000 families impacted by school closures.

I’ve climbed trees with children in forest schools in San Francisco, and tested new digital apps with kids in seven countries.

I’ve also coached dozens of families at different stages in their homeschooling journey. Most recently, I founded Modulo with homeschooling dad, best-selling author and tech entrepreneur Eric Ries, to help families curate their children’s education, social and childcare experiences drawing from a diverse array of in-person and online resources.

During the last three years, I’ve devoted much of my time to reviewing and testing secular homeschooling curriculum and other resource. I’ve spent the last three years talking to thousands of secular homeschooling families, and poring over tens of thousands of secular curriculum reviews and testing physical curriculum and digital apps for with hundreds of students to find the highest quality, most engaging, personalized learning materials for every type of learner.

I’ve spoken about homeschooling and modular learning at multiple venues including SXSW EDU, NY Tech Meetup, and on the LiberatedEd podcast.

In 2022, Modulo was one of 8 organizations who were awarded the Bridge Grant from the Vela Education Fund to expand access to homeschooling and modular learning to under-resourced communities.

My experience in education and homeschooling has led me to believe that there is no perfect education for every child, but families have an extraordinary amount of wisdom they can apply to building the perfect education for their individual child.

My goal with Modulo is to make it possible for any family to easily build a customized education that their child will love, and that will empower the whole family to thrive, taking into account, social, emotional and academic needs.

I love to answer questions from parents and receive feedback on how we can improve Modulo, so feel free to reach out anytime! I personally answer all the questions and comments readers leave on my blogs.

In my free time, I like hiking, traveling the world, tasting ceremonial grade matcha, enjoying dark chocolate.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Brandeis University with highest honors, with a double degree in French Literature and American Studies and minors in Environmental Studies and Peace & Conflict Studies.

And I love to learn!

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