Child's Play NY: Create your own online theater camp

Child's Play NY offers a variety of theater classes for playful children but has now transitioned to provide online classes to continue inspiring children's imaginations. Child's Play NY hosts various theater classes for kids in NYC. They began offering online classes during the pandemic and now offer families the opportunity to create their own online classes with a group of friends. The teaching staff work hard to stimulate the imagination of each kid and foster their creativity. Child's Play NY was founded by Jocelyn Greene to inspire courage and creativity in kids, all while having fun. Parents can sign their student up for the program/class they are interested in. The classes are held online and conducted through video calls, where students join the meetings led by the instructors. Some parents really appreciate how the staff works hard to include all of the children in the class, even the shyest ones. Many parents have seen their kid's acting and singing capabilities improve tremendously. Child's Play NY isn't suited for children who don't like to sing and act or aren't comfortable in front of an audience.

Grades: PK-12th grade

Cost: A week of camp is $200 while a single day camp is $50.


Key features

Type of Tool:

Time required: Online classes are typically 6.5 hours long but have screen time breaks incorporated into each day.

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  Yes, an electronic device is required

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: No, parent/teacher/caregiver involvement is necessary

Prep Time:  Minimal prep time

Other characteristics

Modality: Audio, Visual, Audiovisual, Hands-on/kinesthetic

Adaptive: Yes, it includes personalization

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Fun and entertaining


Assessment: No, there is no assessment component

State Standards: No

Teacher Accounts:

Read Reviews:

Online (Create a custom class):

In Person in NYC:

Madeline Goldsmith

Madeline Goldsmith is a rising junior at a high school in Northern California. She has worked with the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation Summer Program to co-teach students interested in STEM fields and is a tutor at her high school. Due to shelter-in-place restrictions, she has first-hand experience with the boredom students can face when stuck at home, so she is excited to provide parents with additional resources to keep their children engaged in learning.


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